Prestashop ERP Integration almost in real time
Save time and money
- Keep your online product catalog updated in almost online time, product data such as prices, stock, sales price will remain sync and integrated between your ERP and your ecommerce prestashop
- Download Prestashop orders and customers to your ERP .
- Don’t lose more time and resources doing your product maintenace twice and sync them automatically between Prestashop and your ERP system.

It’s time to connect and integrate your ERP system with Prestashop ecommerce
Great experience connecting these ERP softwares with Prestashop:
Sage 200C, Sage X3, Microsoft Dynamics NAV Navision, SAP Business One
Prestashop Connector is a portable software which can be quick configured by its own interface, so both, ERP and Prestashop e-shop will be easy integrated and syncked
Prestashop Connector has its own development tool within each integration can be customized at any time in each Connector, adding, changing or deleting any of its features. This will allow to integrated every data and functionality that your business needs.
Prestashop Connector is always aware to both ERP and ecommerce Prestashop updates, this way, our team advices and alerts to all our clients about new features, software updates, modules compatibility and every doubt, support or maintenance needed by our clients.
Our connectores
We connect and integrate the most popular ERP systems, Sage 200C, Sage X3, Microsoft Dynamics NAV Navision, etc…

Ms Dynamics NAV Navision Connector
Prestashop Connector for Microsoft Dynamics NAV Navision connects the data you need from Navision database or system files, such as products, variants, clients, sales products and download ecommerce orders and products (using navision web services) with ecommerce Prestashop.

Sage X3 Prestashop Connector
Due the complexity of a Sage X3 implementation, it’s connector is a mix of advisory and Prestashop Connector features and functinalities.
Combining X3 knowledge and our Prestashop experience the integration between both systems can go beyound the boundaries of an standard Prestashop ecommerce integration

Sage 200C Prestashop Connector
Connects and integrate Products, stock, prices, family-categories, discounts, ecta y sincroniza los productos, stock, precios, familias, tarifas, clientes, descuentos, Size and colours, and everything your need between Sage 200C ERP and prestashop. Besides, download orders and clients from your ecommerce to the ERP automatically.

SAP Business One Connector
SAP Business One connects and sync all data you need from both system. Products, stock, customers, business rules, orders will be integrated between Sap BO ERP and Prestashop e-commerce CMS

It’s not your ERP in the list ?
If your company ERP is not in our connector list, or you have your own ERP system, contact and explain your case, our team and experience will evaluate your Prestashop ERP Integration and will go back to you with a personal solution for your case.
We are database and Prestashop experts, so no limits exists to develop and implement your own integration.
Don’t lose more money and time and contact Prestashop Connector
Standard Integration features for all our PrestaShop ERP connectors

Standard features for all our connectors, which covers the basic functionalities to integrate and connect every ERP system with Prestashop ecommerce.
- Products data (name, ean, weight)
- Product Prices
- Stock managment
- Family – Categories
- Orders and Customers
- Manufacturer and Suppliers
- Images
- SEO elements
- Product description (rich – html)
We customize every connector based in all requested needs
Prestashop Connector can be customized to sync and integrate every data stored in your ERP database or file system into your company e-commerce Prestashop
- Size and Colours
- Attributes and Features
- Customers Business Rules like Fares and Discounts
- Product Discounts
- Multishop Integrations
- Offers and Sales

B2B Clients, prices, fares and discounts integration

A B2B integrations allows your e-commerce Prestashop to provide a private portal for you own customers in which they can purchase the products with the same business rules (prices, discounts, offers) as they are set in your ERP system
- Customers Private Area
- Customers Data
- Billing and deliveries Customer Address
- Discounts per Client
- Fares per Client
- Specific Price per Product and Client
Casos de éxito
Más de 10 años CRECIENDO JUNTOS. Más de 2000 clientes, más de 500 proyectos realizados.
Es nuestra mejor garantía.

B2C Integration between Sage and Prestashop for Dainese Motorbikes clothing store

- Conector Sage Murano Prestashop
- Tienda B2C
- Multi-tienda
- Integración completa incluyendo funcionalidades SEO

Conector B2C Navision y Prestashop para el merchandaising de artistas y festivales musicales

- Conector Dynamics Navision Prestashop
- Tienda B2C
- Multi-tienda
- Gestión variantes para Tallas y Colores

Conector B2C y B2B entre Sage Murano y Prestashop para la marca de zapatos Naguisa

- Conector Sage Murano Prestashop
- Tienda B2C – B2B
- Integración Tallas y Colores
- Integración Multi-idioma

Integración multitienda B2C y B2B entre Navision y Prestashop para la casa Termix

- Conector Navision Prestashop
- Tienda B2C y B2B
- Multi-tienda
- Integración multi-idioma y multi-tienda

Conector B2C entre Sage Murano y Prestashop para la tienda online de ropa deportiva 42k running

- Conector Sage Murano Prestashop
- Tienda B2C
- Integración Tallas y Colores
- Gestión de pedidos internacional personalizada

Conector B2C y B2B multi-tienda entre Sage Murano y Prestashop para el grupo Sonnenland – Solmanía

- Conector Sage 200c Prestashop
- Tienda B2C / B2B
- Multi-tienda
- Módulo Packs de productos
¿Do you need more info?
Fill our contact form and we will contact you as soon as possible